Family, Marriage, My Life

4 Mottos Our Family Lives By

I grew up with three younger brothers and God blessed our family with three sons. I think He has a plan in mind for me to be surrounded by boys, but I’m not sure why. As our family began to grow certain phrases or mottos, started to be incorporated into our daily lives. We still use them today now that they are growing up into young men and will soon be on their own. I hope they take these mottos with them into their own families. And you can use them too!

Divorce is NOT an option

When we were going through our marriage preparation classes we had a conversation that this marriage is going to be for a lifetime. We have been through some ups and downs that could and have torn many marriages apart. Those times have only made us stronger as a couple.

Take Care of the Marriage First

After my husband and I were engaged to be married, we had an inspiring conversation with my parents who have an incredible marriage. We sat down with them and asked them, “What makes a marriage last like yours?” “You two are always so happy. How do you do that?” They said, “Take care of the marriage first. The children will follow.”

Growing up I remember weekends where we would stay at my grandparent’s home and it wasn’t any special occasion. Now I know why. They needed to get away from their crazy kiddos and life to take care of each other.

It wasn’t until we had our own sons how important that piece of advice was. We try our best to get away and spend time with each other. It can be a date night, a weekend away, or even just a drive around the neighborhood. Your marriage will thank you for it.

Do What You Have to Do First, Then You Can Do What You Want to Do

I say this to my sons, my students, and even to myself when I have many things on my plate. It is a great motivator for getting things accomplished.

The Easiest Way is Not Always the Best Way

My mother told me this whenever I had to make a decision about something. Take a look at your past about the choices you made. Was it an easy way or a more challenging way? What was the result? I have our sons think about this when they have a decision to make. Right now, our youngest son is really passionate about playing football for his High School. He has been weightlifting three days a week putting in his effort during the offseason as his coaches suggested. He has noticed that he is the only one in his class turning up to weightlift afterschool. His fellow teammates are taking the easy way out thinking it won’t matter much. Little do they know that when our son shows up for practice in the summer, he will be way stronger then they are because he put in the extra effort. Even though it was inconvenient or he didn’t feel like going.

Your Turn

What are some mottos or sayings that work for you or your families? Please share them in the comments.

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