My Life

5 Weight Loss Tips Without Expensive Programs or Apps

Image by Vidmir Raic from Pixabay

Yesterday morning I squealed when I got on the scale. I have lost 20 pounds since I started on this weight loss journey some 100 days ago. It was the first time in a long time that I was proud of myself. I just have 30 more pounds to go.

I have learned on this journey that you don’t need to have special apps or expensive programs or libraries of books to help you lose weight. Weight loss is different for everyone. I have tried every diet program (WW, Ideal Protein, NutriSystem) and bought a library of books trying to help me to lose weight and keep it off. Nothing seemed to work. Until now, on my own. I hope some of these tips will work for you.

Portion Control

I was a child of the ’80s when it was commonplace for parents to have their children sit at the table until their plate was empty. It was a learned behavior for me to make sure my plate was empty. At restaurants, I felt that if I didn’t finish what I ordered, I didn’t get my money’s worth.

It wasn’t until I heard my mother at a restaurant say, “Well, I’m full. I got my money’s worth.” I finally got the permission I needed to watch my portions and listen to my body when I was full.

You Don’t Have to Sweat Every Day

During the week, I teach in-person learning five days a week. Teachers on average burn many calories during the workday due to activity. Mental stress burns calories too. On weekends, my husband and I walk 2-3 miles in our neighborhood in the mornings. I have been working on building our workout room in our basement. So far we have a treadmill, weight machine, exercise bike, punching bag, free weights, and a rowing machine. I don’t use these things every day, but it does help with variety on days I can’t walk outside.

There Will Be Plateau Period(s)

The image above suits me to a tee! It has never failed that whenever I start dieting, my body goes into shock and hangs onto whatever fat and calories I consume…just in case. I was stuck at 195 for weeks. I was just about ready to give up and eat and drink whatever I wanted. I wanted to take the easy way out. Then out of the blue one morning, I got on the scale and it moved!

Force yourself through the plateaus. It will take time. I know I will probably have one or two more before I get to my goal weight.

A fantastic doctor I know has told me, “It took years to put the weight on. It won’t come off in a couple of months.”

You Can Enjoy Your Favorite Foods (in moderation)

I haven’t deprived myself of all of my favorite foods. Even when we go out to eat I choose what I like. If it is McDonald’s, I get the fries, small size of course. I also only drink tea most days and especially when we dine out. If I want a soda (only one on the weekends), I buy the mini cans so I still get the satisfaction of having a soda. Even when my students bring me a treat (usually high in carbs and sugar) I partake and then adjust the rest of my day. Because when a student brings you a donut…you eat the donut.

Once Dinner Is Over…No More Eating

Once our last meal of the day is over, there is no more eating until the next day. I have found that not having the extra calories sitting in my system as I am binge-watching with my hubby before bedtime has helped with my weight loss. It has also helped me get over my plateau.

Weight loss is a process. It doesn’t take fancy apps or expensive programs to help you lose weight. It will take time. With patience and perseverance, you will reach your goal. I will keep you updated on my progress.

Do you have any tips that have helped you with your weight loss? If so, please comment. I would love to try them for myself too!

2 thoughts on “5 Weight Loss Tips Without Expensive Programs or Apps

  1. Congratulations!!!! That’s awesome! I’m really jealous of you workout room; it sounds like you have everything. Keep up the great work.
    Your former neighbor

    1. Thank you former neighbor! 😊 It’s been a process, but I’m finally seeing results. My clothes are fitting better and stairs are easier too.

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