My Life

A Milestone

Image by Kevin King(Chandana Perera) from Pixabay

100 Posts

When someone or some thing or some event hits a milestone it is a big deal. TV shows invite major stars to their “100th show”. Companies have a big event to celebrate their milestone achievements.

My 100th post is a quiet one. It is more of reflection time for me really. I am reflecting on why I started this blog, the posts I have already written, and where do I want this blog to take my family and me.

My Hope

My hope for this blog is to take readers on a journey with me through life. My hope is that the readers will take something I have done and tailor it to their lives. Maybe some of my favorite things will become yours. Maybe the mistakes that I have learned from will help you in your life. My hope is to be that friend everyone needs…to listen, to cry with, to laugh with, to lean on.

My Goals

I do have some goals for my blog as we approach the summer. It leaves me more time to concentrate on this blog and to nurture and care for it. Anyone who is successful in their career sets goals for themselves. It is time to get this to grow.

  • Goal #1 is to get it more noticed on social media. Social media is where many bloggers get their start and get thousands of followers.
  • Goal #2 of mine to take more photos and videos for my blog. It has been researched that more people stay on your blog if there are more photos and videos. I am more of a “mental picture” taker so this will be a challenge for me.
  • Goal #3 and I have to say it…make money with my blog. A South Dakota teacher salary just isn’t going to cut it anymore. I am not sure where Micky plans his life to go, so I have to support our family in additional ways. Especially now when we are super close to having two sons in college. I am hoping I can be an affiliate for the things I use in my life and blog about it and not have to bombard my beautiful site with ads.
  • Goal #4 is to come up with creative topics and draw my readers into my life and put my fingerprint on the world.

It’s Good to Reflect

Reflection is a good thing to do from time to time. As a teacher, it is in my nature to reflect. We, teachers, have to reflect on our lessons, our units, and our school year. We tweak things that aren’t going so well and we add and change to the new things that come up every year. So it is time to change (a bit). It is time to grow. And it is time to make this blog the best I can make it. So here is to another 100 posts! I hope you will continue to be with me on this journey.

If there is anything you would like me to blog about or if you have any questions or things you would like some advice from me, please comment below. I would love to hear from you. 💜💜

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