It started with Andrew… Then came Carter… And finally Christopher.
I have been extremely blessed to be a mother. It all started on June 15, 2001, when Andrew came into the world. It was such a relief to me that he came to us beautiful and healthy with all of the problems we were having. (Those stories will be coming in the days and months ahead.)
18 months later Carter came into our world. Which worked well because we were able to do man-to-man coverage.
18 months after that came Christopher and all of a sudden we had to do triage to whoever needed us the most at any moment.
Every year that I am a mother becomes more and more of a blessing. Yes, there have been challenges but there have also been moments of pure joy too.
We have had many adventures, trips, broken bones, broken hearts, and many laughs along the way. I have been able to be on field trips, watch school programs, and be a football mom.
And it all stems from learning from the best mom a daughter could ever have. My mom has been an incredible teacher and support to me as I am raising these boys. I could never repay her what she has given to me.
The following slide show is just a fraction of all that I have been blessed with being a mom. (In no particular order.)
To all the moms who are holding everything together in your families, enjoy this day. Take time out for you. You deserve to pamper yourself today. Time to put down all the hats you wear on a daily basis and put your feet up. Happy Mother’s Day Moms!!!