Family, Marriage, My Life

Take Care of the Marriage First…The Kids Will Follow

Picture it. December 25, 1991. Small town South Dakota. A young, 19-year old girl was respectfully asked to be married the evening before. Many thoughts and questions were entering her mind even though she had been carefully planning for this moment in her life since she was a little girl. She and her new fiancee were talking candidly with the girl’s parents about lifelong marriage. They have an exceptionally strong marriage and have weathered every storm that has crossed their paths and are nevertheless together to this day. One of the many questions they asked that day was, “How do you stay in a marriage for the long haul?” Her brilliant mother carefully took a moment to ponder the question and said precisely, “Take care of… Read More Take Care of the Marriage First…The Kids Will Follow

Family, My Life

Simple Moments

It was a snowy, icy morning a couple of weeks ago as I was heading to work. I am always nervous on mornings like this in spite of living in South Dakota all my life. I usually get to school pretty early in the morning. I love having about an hour to myself before the… Read More Simple Moments

Family, My Life

Letting Them Go

When I became a mother I knew that someday I would have to let my boys leave the nest. I just didn’t know how quickly that day would come. As of this post, we are the proud parents of Andrew, a college student at Western Dakota Tech College perusing a degree in Diesel Mechanics, Carter,… Read More Letting Them Go

Family, My Life

5 Meal Planning Websites When You’re Not Sure What You’re Doing

What’s for lunch? What’s for dinner? These 2 questions bombard me like episodes of “Chopped”. And my answer most days is “I don’t know.” So it’s time to finally attempt meal planning. My mother never planned meals unless it was for holidays. Our meals were very basic, Midwestern, “Meat & Potato” type meals. (She never… Read More 5 Meal Planning Websites When You’re Not Sure What You’re Doing