Marriage, My Life

Communication is Key

Image by Mario Vogelsteller from Pixabay

There is a bridge in Paris, the “City of Love”, called the Pont des Arts where couples would inscribe their names and a message on a padlock, lock it on the fencing of the bridge, and throw the key into the Seine river signifying their love is forever “locked” together. It became known as “Love Lock Bridge.”

Unfortunately, in 2014, part of the bridge railing collapsed due to all of the weight of the padlocks, and the movement of banning the practice was launched.

Communication is the key to a strong marriage. Being able to talk freely, openly, and without reservation helps Micky and me to tackle the tough subjects that come about in our marriage. We know that when the storm is raging, our conversation with each other is going to be calm, rational, and helpful. It does not scare us to bring up any topic with each other.

Sometimes we have missed the boat in our conversations by being passive-aggressive or leaving hints instead of being direct. We get into discussions, each missing the point, and our sons just roll their eyes and say, “Time to call the assisted-living facility,” and we all have a good laugh about it.

Having open communication between you and your spouse creates a happier marriage. I know I can go to Micky with any situation, good or bad, and know that he will listen. I will feel respected, loved, and I don’t have to hide anything. He knows me inside and out because of our open communication.

One time, I was torn between being a mother and being a wife, and our open communication was a blessing. Protecting my child consumed me and it overshadowed being a wife and telling my husband what was going on with our son. Over a short amount of time, I couldn’t keep it from my husband.

I was sitting on the edge of the bed, struggling with the words I was going to say. He could see it on my face and with a smile said, “Just spit it out.” I told Micky about my conflicting heart and the situation with our son. With no judgment, he understood where I was coming from and we could come up with a decision together.

When you have open communication in your marriage, it becomes a strong padlock for your marriage that no one can separate. Today, have an open dialogue with your spouse about how you two communicate. Are there things you two need to work on individually and as a couple? Do you have some issues in your marriage that need to be discussed in a loving and respectful way? Is there anything that makes you hesitant to be open with your spouse? Are you listening with an open heart with no judgment?

1 thought on “Communication is Key

  1. Another great blog!!! Tammy, you really need to consider this as a profession; just look at the Holderness Family and how their lives changed.
    ❤️ YFN

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