Family, My Life, Teachers

Finding the Answers

Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay

I have always enjoyed searching for answers. When I was in the 4th and 5th grade I especially enjoyed worksheets and Map Skills. If I had to search the text for an answer (no Google back then) I was in my element!

Recently, as a teacher, I am seeing a trend with my students and even the public that many do not search for answers on their own anymore. Even with the Internet and devices in our pocket, people would rather have someone else tell them what the answer is instead of solving it on their own.

More parents have become protectors of their children. Parents don’t want their children to experience discomfort or disappointment. With our busy lives, many parents want a “peace at any price” homelife. What that does is make the parents work even harder because their children cannot do it for themselves.

During our switch to online learning this last quarter of school (2020) I have had to be extremely explicit in my directions for my students. I even created a step by step tutorials and pdf instructions for each of my assignments. More times than not, I have students still emailing me how to work on their assignments. They would rather get a quick email from me instead of reading the directions.

So my standard reply to my students who are looking for easy answers? “Please read the pdf I attached to the assignment. You will find the answers there.” Yes, I dislike doing this to them as these kiddos have been thrust into online learning, but I have to teach my students (and sometimes parents) how to find information on their own and not give the easy answer.

Why is this? Are we, as parents or teachers, to blame for this? Or is our fast-paced, no time, get it quick, society to blame?

I am not confident what the answers to those questions are. But these questions need to be raised before our children go out into the world on their own. The next leaders of our country are going to be from this generation of kiddos. Will they be able to find the answers they need if they get stuck? Or will they just fold over and give up?

Raising and teaching our children is not easy in this world we live in. Finding, searching, and exploring answers to questions without instant answers is a tough concept to teach. Many students don’t take the time to read articles, tutorials, or webpages to find the answers right in front of them. We as parents and teachers have to let go and guide our children and students to go find the answers they are looking for themselves. And in the process be models for our kiddos so they can see how we find the answers on our own.

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