My Life

Feeling Guilty When I’m In Time-Out

It is always a good idea in our cray, cray world to take time out for ourselves. It is good for our mental health, our stress levels, and our physical health to rest.

I always feel guilty when I do though. I have various counterintuitive thoughts when I take time out for myself. Am I the only one who thinks these thoughts?

  • Should I be doing something right now?
  • Does it look like I am lazy?
  • I should be busy, right?

I can’t even take a nap on an airplane without thinking I am being judged. I don’t judge others when they take a time out. I even encourage it. Why do I do that to myself??

I believe part of it stems from my Type-A personality. I often feel like my day isn’t productive unless I check off several things on the many lists I have around the house.

The other is my work ethic. When growing up summertime and weekends weren’t for sleeping in until noon and then moving on with your day. There were always tasks to do and they had to be completed first then you can have time for yourself. Sometimes those days didn’t have “me time”.

In order for me to get rid of my guilt of relaxation and taking time out for me, I have to plan it in my to-do checklists. I have to make it a priority during my day. Because if I don’t take care of myself, how could I possibly take care of the many people and things I have to do in my life.

I need to tell myself that whatever is on my list can wait. It isn’t going anywhere. There is still time to get it accomplished.

This downtime I make for myself will help me to be a better wife, a better mother, and a better teacher. Let’s see if this works. It can’t hurt, right?

Do any of you put guilt upon yourselves when you are relaxing? What do you do to combat those feelings? Please comment below.

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