My Life

Fully Vaccinated!

Image by Ali Raza from Pixabay

I am fully vaccinated!

Last weekend, not only was it Easter weekend, it was time for me to get my second vaccination for the Covid-19 virus. The week leading up to my second vaccination my thoughts were mixed. I had heard many different recommendations about the second shot and was even thinking of skipping it altogether.

It helped to have my parents at our home for the Easter weekend. After talking it through with my parents and my husband, I pulled myself together and headed to Walmart for my second shot on Saturday. It was painless. Done. I’m fully protected.

For most of the day, I felt fine. I felt a couple of palpitations, but I think that was my mind playing tricks on me. It wasn’t until around 7 o’clock when I thought, “Oh, boy! Here we go!” A fever started to spike, I was feeling cold, and achy. Luckily, this time, no headache. Maybe a good night’s rest will help and I would be good to go for Easter morning Mass at 11:00 am.

Easter Sunday morning arrived. My favorite holiday. I woke up feeling not too bad. Maybe my body responded to the vaccine better this time. After Mass, we decided to go to Texas Roadhouse for lunch and save our big, ass ham for supper so we had more time to prepare it and not to be rushed.

At lunch, our table was aimed right at a vent. I was absolutely freezing. It felt like it was 50 degrees in the restaurant. My husband had our oldest grab a blanket I had in the suburban to wrap myself with. I was so cold I didn’t even want to eat. I picked at my salad and didn’t even eat any of their incredible rolls. It was then I knew that I was going through round 2 with the vaccine.

I gave my oldest the keys to the suburban and I kept myself wrapped up in the blanket on the way home. Here we go! Once we got home, I threw the ham into the oven to cook for the afternoon, grabbed my fluids, thermometer, iPad, TV remotes, and parked it on the couch for the rest of the afternoon and evening. The afternoon was spent watching westerns with my parents and enjoying the Easter dinner my mom took over. I was so thankful they were here!!

Monday was a day of rest and recuperation. The school was closed for Easter Monday and I spent the day still fighting a fever. This reaction to the vaccine was similar to the first dose minus the headache. I was on the couch for most of the day.

Tuesday I went to work. My temperature was normal, I was feeling much better, but a bit weak due to being on my back for two days. My students understood once I told them about my weekend and they were happy to just work on their projects that were due that week.

Like I mentioned in my last post, this is NOT to deter you from getting the vaccine. I am just telling you my story to let you know what I experienced after I received the vaccine. Many people don’t have any symptoms at all. Some have symptoms worse than mine. It is such a strange virus and vaccine that affects everyone differently.

If we are going to get back to “normal”, each and every one of us should get vaccinated for the Covid-19 virus. The symptoms experienced afterward are a small price to pay so we can be with our loved ones and mask-free.

Please comment on your experiences after getting the vaccine. Or, if you have any questions about my experience, please ask! I wish you all the best!!

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