My Life

Get Vaccinated

Image by Alexandra_Koch from Pixabay

Our state is now in the process to have teachers available to get their Covid-19 vaccine. So yesterday afternoon I received my shot. I was skeptical at first because I had Covid and wasn’t sure how my body would react to the vaccine. But I signed up anyway thinking about my family, students, and coworkers.

I started the afternoon with a lunch date with my husband at Applebee’s. Our youngest and oldest sons were working and we love to watch them work. It is a proud mama moment for me. Then we headed to Wal-Mart where I was going to receive my vaccine.

The process was really simple. They converted our local Wal-Mart’s McDonald’s into a vaccine station. After getting my name checked off and answering a couple of questions, they handed me a clipboard with paperwork for me to fill out just like the doctor’s office. Then they gave me a number.

Once the forms were all filled out they called out my number. I went in, got my shot (it didn’t even hurt), and then I had to wait for 15 minutes in the waiting area just in case there were any complications.

After the 15 minutes were up, I caught up with my husband and we did a little shopping to get ready for a possible big winter storm Sunday. While we were shopping I did feel my heart racing and pounding a bit and I noticed my carotid artery was painful. It felt like it was going to split open.

We continued on with our shopping by going to Sam’s Club. I felt a bit weird but nothing that was going to stop me from shopping for my guys. I chalked it up to “phantom” symptoms because I was thinking about all of the people I talked to that had symptoms.

The shopping trip went fine. I leaned on the cart and got what we needed quickly so I could be home in my chair with my feet up. My artery was still pounding a bit so I decided to keep my mind busy by playing games on my iPad and watching movies with my sweetie.

So far things are going well with my first dose. I will keep you posted since at the time of this writing, I don’t have any symptoms yet. I pray they don’t show up. My second dose is over Easter weekend.

If we want our nation to get back to normal, EVERYONE should get their Covid-19 vaccine. When it is your time, please sign up to get yours. It’s not as bad as you may think.

UPDATE: I heard that those who had Covid might have worse symptoms after getting the vaccine than those who didn’t have it. As I was getting ready to go to bed, the arm I received the shot in was sore. I knew that was going to happen. Then, at 2 am…it hit. I was achy, freezing due to the fever, and very thirsty. As of right now, I am not doing much better, yet. I have over 100 degree fever still, a headache, and still achy all over like I have the flu. Hopefully, it is over soon. I don’t want to miss school tomorrow. I will keep you updated here.

This is NOT to deter you from getting the vaccine. I just wanted to let you know what my symptoms were. You may not have any symptoms. It is a small price to pay in order for us to get back to normal and see our loved ones and hug them. Please get the vaccine.

1 thought on “Get Vaccinated

  1. You’re going to get through the side effects, and they will be a lot quicker than the real thing. Here’s wishing you a snow day!!❤️

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