Family, God's Time, My Life

Giving Up Distraction

All the guys on their phones….distracted.

Day 22 of Lent 2020

When Micky and I went on a cruise for our 25th wedding anniversary, it was a perfect time to be totally focused on us. No kids, no wi-fi, and no cell service. We only used our phones to keep in contact with each other if we were separated (he would nap and I would head to the deck for some sun.).

One evening we were having dinner at the main dining room of the ship. Sitting at a table next to us was a family of three, mom, dad, and their 3-4-year-old girl. All three of them were elegantly dressed for a wonderful evening. It would be a perfect opportunity to teach their little girl how to behave and the etiquette for a setting such as this.

What happens next stunned me and rocked me to my core! Mom pulls out of her bag an iPad and over-the-ear headphones! Are you kidding me?! So mom and dad can have a nice evening, we will distract our daughter so we won’t be interrupted. They are missing a perfect opportunity to teach their daughter so many life skills during this dinner. One day their daughter will be in a situation like that whether it is with a boyfriend or for her work and she will have to find out how to act from someone else or Google.

We have distractions everywhere today. Sometimes it is hard to see through all the noise. Our phones and devices make it really easy to be distracted. Many a time I would be cruising through my Facebook feed and look up to see the time and be shocked at how much time I have wasted. We have to put limits on our screentime. Not just for our children, but for us as well.

One thing that Micky and I have stumbled on recently is “The Waltons”. It is the last thing we watch before ending our day. It is a wonderful show about simpler times, how to deal with a crisis (the 30’s and then WWII), and family values. Children respected their elders and worked hard to help out the family. Everyone from little Elizabeth to Grandpa plays their part in the family. And there were no distractions! Just a simple radio in the living room so they can be updated on the news.

When you wake up in the morning what is the first thing you check? Is it messages, social media feeds, emails, or something else? I would suggest checking in with God first during these days of Lent. Sit in prayer with Him, talk to Him while you are getting ready, or even just sit in quiet reflection while enjoying your cup of coffee. He will give you a path through the noise on what needs to be done during your day. Step away from screens, enjoy the people and the world around you. You might be surprised how beautiful this life really is.

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