God's Time, My Life

Giving Up Disunity

Image by Gordon Johnson from Pixabay

Day 28 of Lent 2020 (yesterday)

I am flip-flopping yesterday and today’s blogs because I really needed to open up about what is happening in my world. It is better to get it out than bottle it up inside. Check out yesterday’s blog if you are confused or want to know more.

When two or more people get together, sometimes there will be conflict, disunity. It happens in marriages, politics, schools, and even our churches.

This past week (after some conflict) we saw our political leaders come together to pass a relief bill for millions of Americans who cannot work during this coronavirus quarantine.

I have seen educators from across our state and our country come together to help each other with lessons, ideas, and support during our online teaching.

Companies are making it easier for families and teachers to learn and teach online. Free Internet service for those that qualify and premium websites free for teachers are a couple of ways they are doing it.

I have seen music artists reach out to all of us from their homes to entertain for free to keep our spirits up while we are at home.

Communities coming together to entertain children by creating “Bear Hunts” and coming up with solutions for the graduates who may not have a ceremony this year due to social distancing.

I even heard of a priest who was on a ventilator because of the virus lost his life because he gave it to another patient who needed one.

This, my friends, is not disunity. This is God working through us during this difficult time to bring us back together. This is God showing us what a world with unity can be like. When we have unity and put our egos and opinions aside, the world is a much better place to live in.

What are some ways you have seen unity during this challenging time in our world? Please comment and keep the conversation going. We need to see these moments of unity to help us get through the tough times.

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