God's Time, My Life

Giving Up Feelings of Unworthiness

Day 3 of Lent 2020

Today is a tough day for me. It’s a daily occurrence that I feel unworthy. I don’t know if any of you feel the same way. Hopefully, with me writing this blog post, it can be therapeutic for me and I can also help someone else in the process.

It is common for those of us who are givers to feel unworthy. We are the cheerleaders for our families and co-workers. If someone needs help, we are the ones to step in and help (sometimes do it for them). We fill everyone else’s cup before we fill ours. Our cups can be depleted very quickly and we still feel unworthy no matter how hard we try to help everyone else.

When we start feeling like we don’t measure up to others we can begin to have feelings like we are unloved. The “Thank you’s” become meaningless and feel too little too late. Bouts of depression can settle in and it can mentally and physically change us.

It’s even hard to say to someone that you feel unworthy because you don’t want to portray yourself as weak or selfish. When in fact, we need those people in our lives who can understand what we are feeling and help us to feel better about ourselves. We need their help just as much as we help others. Have that network of family and friends who can help you when the feelings of unworthiness show up.

Make a list of your talents and strengths. When we focus on the gifts that God has provided us we can use those to our advantage and be the best at what we are good at.

Make a plan so when the feelings of unworthiness surface you have something in place to counteract those feelings. Maybe it is going for a walk, listening to upbeat music, or doing a hobby so you can get your mind on something else more positive.

Pray to God to help you through these feelings of unworthiness. The Bible is a great place to find out what He wants to tell you. You are worthy, you are perfect in His eyes in spite of our weaknesses and sins. Lean on Him during these times.

Wherever your feelings of unworthiness come from, they will pass with time. We may feel broken one minute and then all put together the next. It’s during these times we are being molded into the worthy person we need to be.

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