God's Time, My Life

Giving Up Impatience

Day 4 of Lent 2020

In this fast-paced world, our lives are surrounded by people who are impatient. Time is a commodity. We have fast-food restaurants, 2-day shipping, and increasing speed limits. Cell phones and devices have sped up our productivity and we live in an “instant” society. We don’t know how to wait anymore.

I see that many times over as my role as a computer teacher in my school. I see students struggling with slow Internet speed or their laptop is taking too long to restart. They complain almost immediately that “It’s taking too long,” and I have to remind them that we used to have a dial-up connection and it took a full day to download files.

I have become very impatient these past couple of weeks. With not knowing what God has planned for me I still wanted to see some signs, some beacon of hope, of what that plan was so I could steer myself in that direction.

But God doesn’t work that way. We need to be patient even when we don’t want to. God is molding and weaving all of the pieces of my story together so that everything can fall into place…on His time.

So let’s all try to slow down. Enjoy the many blessings God has provided us, and let Him work His magic through us.

I am going to end with a post from a famous Christian artist TobyMac. I highly recommend you follow his Facebook page. He posts some very uplifting messages and this one is no exception. I need to be reminded of this whenever I feel impatient.

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