God's Time, My Life

Giving Up Lack of Counsel

The Hand of God by Yongsung Kim

Day 11 of Lent 2020

I can’t really say I have mentors in my life. I have family, friends, and co-workers I go to if I need advice on anything. My favorite thing to do if I am struggling is usually self-help books and websites for the advice I need.

Being a type-A person I don’t go to people when I need help because in my head I don’t want to burden others with my problems. I would rather take care of it on my own. Sometimes a quiet room and a good cry help too.

Which is kind of funny to think about really. I am a mentor to hundreds of children every day and yet, when I am struggling, I don’t take my own advice.

So this Lent I am going to try to give up my fear of not asking for help when I need it. When we try to fix things on our own without the advice of others, sometimes we can get into a bigger mess than we intended. We need each other to help us through those rough patches in our lives.

If you are struggling in some area of your life seek the counsel of others. Some ways you can find help are:

  • God’s Words
  • Mentors
  • Your Church Community
  • Parents, Spouses, or Other Family Members
  • Books
  • Websites, Blogs, and Podcasts
  • Conferences

It is OK to ask for help. We are not expected to know everything. God puts the right people at the right time in our lives to help us along our journey.

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