My Life

Giving Up Loneliness

Image by Andreas Fuchs from Pixabay

Day 27 of Lent 2020

I have often admired people who can talk to anyone. Those social butterflies who seem to know everyone and can have active conversations with all of them. I am not one of those people. You will find me along the wall or in the back of the room just watching, hoping someone will come and talk to me.

In a world that is connected by social media, loneliness is higher than ever. Why is that? We may have connections with the hundreds of people on our social media feeds, but how many of them are quality relationships?

We need to realize that we are never truly alone. God is always with us. If we have a strong relationship with him our earthly relationships will be strong too. If you have a relationship you are struggling with, lean on God to give you strength and guidance about that relationship.

As introverts, it is scary to say, we need to step out of our shell and make new friends. Start small and meet one person after an event or church. It is going to feel awkward. But keep in mind that maybe God is working through you and you are the friend that person is praying for.

If you still can bring yourself to meet someone new, ask God to give you the grace to change your heart about meeting new people. You never know who or why God brings these people into your life.

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