My Life

Giving Up Mediocrity

Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay

Day 24 of Lent 2020

It has never been easy for me to be evaluated on my teaching. I have often thought to myself, “Is there any job that doesn’t get evaluated?” 🤔

It is easy for me to be fearful that the evaluation process is an attack on me personally. But that is not the case. It is just a way for me to know what I need to work on so I can be the best teacher I can be for my students.

After teaching for many years it can be easy to slip into mediocrity. Every summer I think to myself, “This is the year I change my lessons to something new and different!” Then August comes around and I go back to the same lessons I have taught for a while because they are easier and successful for my students.

My mother has always said, “The easiest way is not always the best way.” I see that with my students when working on the assignments I give them. There are some students who do the bare minimum and want the easy way out. Then I have students go above and beyond to complete the assignment and sometimes even do extra credit for me.

When I look back on all the decisions I have had to make in my life, the best decisions took some effort. Every day I wake up is a gift from God to be my very best and to do something for Him, my life, and for those around me.

I have to be humble and open during constructive criticism, do not take things personally, and be willing to have the faith necessary to take the new path. I won’t be perfect, but I can do my very best each and every day so when I lay my head down at night, I will have the satisfaction that I tried and offered my best.

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