God's Time, My Life

Giving Up Our Comfort Zone

Day 2 of Lent 2020

I cherish my comfort zone. It’s cozy, it’s familiar….it’s safe.

But is my comfort zone good for me?

Out of the long list of things that are hard for me, there is one that sticks out in my mind more than the rest. Are you ready to read what it is? It’s…

Pictures and videos of myself. Selfies? Eewww!!

There, I said it. Seems silly doesn’t it?

For some strange reason, I have never liked being in photos or videos. Of course, my wedding photos and videos are the exception to that rule I placed upon myself.

It could be that I am very judgemental about my appearance. It could be that someone saw a picture of me and made a funny comment about it that I took personally. Very few times have I seen a photo or video and said, “Dang I look good!”

I see myself in videos and photos and I am ready to pounce on every…single…flaw I have. “Wow! I need to lose a few pounds!” “Must have been a bad hair day.” I struggle with my self-image and how I look to the world. So, I stay away from cameras every chance I have. Need me to take a photo of you? I’m your girl!

There are many things we don’t do in our lives because it is unfamiliar or inconvenient to us. There is a great saying out there in the interwebs that says, “Life begins at the end of your comfort zone.” So how do we cross that line?

Keep Your Eyes on God

When we keep our eyes on the Lord, there is no room for the thoughts and feelings of the people around us. The people we are surrounded by whether it is family, friends, co-workers or strangers we meet are temporary. Our ultimate goal is to get to Heaven to spend eternity with God. We are perfect in His eyes because He made us in his image. How can we argue with that? Let Him help you over that comfort zone line.

Try Something New

Try something new…something small at first. It may be a new restaurant, a new way to get to work or order something you’ve never tried at your favorite restaurant. Try that for a little while and then move up to a bigger comfort zone you want to move away from.

Stay Motivated

Motivation can be a powerful tool for getting us out of our comfort zones. You can watch motivational videos, put up motivational posters, read the Bible for motivation. When we keep our “eye on the prize” we are more likely to get out of our comfort zone to a better life.

Today I would like you to write down what keeps you from getting out of your comfort zone. During this period of Lent try to make a plan and steps to get out of that comfort zone. Please comment if you would like to share what you would like to work on. Maybe…just maybe, you might see some more photos or videos of me by the end of Lent.

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