God's Time, My Life

Giving Up Resistance to Change

Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay

Day 32 of Lent

Change is difficult. We become comfortable in our routines. We find safety knowing that everything and every day is the same, constant. So when God throws a curveball saying we need to change it’s tough.

2019 – 2020 has been full of changes for me. Changes in my job (possibly, no word yet), changes in Micky’s job, and now, changes in our country and world as we sit in quarantine. I never asked for these things to happen. God just said, “Here ya go!” And now I have to learn from this and work with what He is giving me with grace, dignity, and love. I pray I am doing that even though it has been difficult.

We all go through changes in our lives. That is a part of life. Sometimes these changes are quick and have answers right away. Other times it is difficult and takes time to get through. I know I don’t have all the answers when change comes knocking on my door. One thing that doesn’t change is Jesus’ love for us. He is always there during the good times and the bad times. Lean on Him for guidance during life changes. Read His Word for answers you may be seeking for. The changes our family is going through has definitely brought me closer to my faith.

One thing I do know…when you look back years from now and see all of the things that God put into place to make those changes happen for you in your life, it is pretty amazing the journey He put you on and how amazing your life really is.

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