God's Time, My Life

Giving Up Sorrow

Image by Andrea Don from Pixabay

Day 39 of Lent 2020

When I was younger and learning about my faith I often questioned why Good Friday was indeed “Good”. How could it be a good thing that Jesus was tortured and died on a cross? It didn’t make sense to me.

It wasn’t until High School around my Confirmation that I understood what Good Friday meant. Jesus’ sacrifice for our sins opened the gates of Heaven so we can spend eternity with him.

Even with knowing that and understanding what Jesus has done for us, I still am fearful of death. It is unknown. No one knows what happens to you when you die. There are many questions about it that will never be answered.

My husband, Micky lives with it on a daily basis as a nurse. I admire the fact that he is not scared by death. To him, it is a part of life for everyone. I wish I could be as confident about the feelings of my own mortality as he is.

Our lives are short here on Earth. There will be pain and loss of our loved ones. And our loss will change us for the rest of our lives. But because of what Jesus has done for us, we can be comforted to know that death is not saying, “goodbye”. It is saying, “see you later.”

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