God's Time, My Life

Giving Up Worry

Image by cafepampas from Pixabay

Day 30 of Lent 2020

As a mother, it can be very easy to get engulfed by worry. Especially when they are teenagers and driving and starting to move ever so slightly out of the nest.

Worry is like a rocking chair. It gives you something to do but you don’t go anywhere. – Erma Bombeck

I have learned throughout my life that it makes no sense to worry. When we worry about what might happen, worry about what won’t happen, it takes precious time out of our day. When I slip into worry, Micky often asks me, “What’s the worst that could happen?” It usually helps me to think clearly that it isn’t worth the worry.

When faced with the unknown and have no answers it can become easy to worry. Right now, as of the time of this post, our whole country is worrying about the coronavirus. It is spreading across the country with alarming speed and it doesn’t care who you are. Doctors, nurses, congressmen and women, country stars, and movie stars have been infected and many have lost their lives because of it. And the virus does not care who you are.

Fear and worry are rampant in our country with shelves of food and supplies as barren as Old Mother Hubbard’s cupboard. We are worried about how long we are quarantined. We are worried about how severe the spread will be. We are worried if it will attack our families. So what do we do instead of worrying?

  • STAY HOME! You can reduce the spread of the virus when you stay home. Spend time with your family even if it is through video conferencing.
  • Order essential things online then go pick them up. You reduce your risk of exposure.
  • Wash your hands OFTEN, especially the fingers. Also, don’t touch your face.
  • Write in a journal what your feelings are. Sometimes writing things down and getting them out helps with your worries.

When we do what we are supposed to do to protect ourselves from the virus, there is nothing to worry about. Even during the time of the Exodus when all the Israelites were to hide in their houses from the Angel of Death, God is there to protect us during difficult times. Pray to Him. Pray to Mary our Mother. She knows a lot about worry when her son, Jesus, was out preaching to the people and then ultimately died for our sins. She can be a great source of comfort to lean on in times of worry.

Remember that worry robs us of our time, our energy, and our peace. It is going to be difficult, but keep trying to live in the moment. Take one thing at a time and that worry will hopefully disappear for you.

Photo from http://picturquotes.com

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