My Life

Goals for a New Year

Image by Alexandra_Koch from Pixabay

I hate resolutions. They aren’t specific enough and I give up on them before January is over.

This year I am going to try something different. I am going to “try” goal setting. Also, putting my goals into this blog makes it more real and more accountable.

Since Thanksgiving break, I have continued to exercise at least 5 days a week. This is the longest I have ever done something like that. I even conquered a goal of mine by walking 4 miles in one session.

Back when I was in the fourth or fifth-grade, I participated in a walkathon. I just knew in my heart that it would be easy to walk the four-mile stretch between our towns of Fairfax and Bonesteel. My mother was a bit concerned since I was not the most physically fit little girl. She thought I was biting a bit more than I could chew.

I was determined. I got my sponsors to donate money and I was excited to participate in this walkathon.

Saturday morning came and I headed to the park for the start of the walkathon. I saw people I knew and some of my friends were there to help out a local charity.

We started the walkathon and about a mile to a mile and a half I petered out. My feet were sore, my legs were aching, and on top of everything, I had to pee something fierce.

In my heart, I didn’t want to quit. My body was telling me otherwise. With each step, I was contemplating do I keep going or do I give up.

Heartbroken, I chose to flag down the “poop car”. I crawled to the back seat and sunk down as far as I could so my friends and community members could see me. I felt embarrassed, weak, and I was a failure.

Since then, I have not willingly walked for 4 miles in one stretch….until January 1, 2021. Yes, there were times of walking in Las Vegas and New York, but I don’t count those because it was vacation and we had to walk in those places.

Time for some goal setting. What is it that you would like to accomplish this year? How specific are your goals? Do you have a timeline in place? Here are my goals for 2021:

Improve My Communication Skills: I am very shy around people I do not know. With those I do know, it is hard for me to start conversations. I am a willing participant, but don’t expect me to instigate conversation. This year I want to be more visible in conversations and be a better listener instead of thinking about what I want to say when I have an opportunity.

Read More and Read the Whole Book: I am a part of a fantastic Book Club with some of my teacher friends and co-workers (past and present). I get all excited about the book choice, order the book from Amazon, read the first chapter or two, then quit. This year I want to make time to read more and complete the entire book cover to cover. This way I can be a participant in the conversation (which helps with goal #1) instead of just being there just for the wine. πŸ˜‰

Wing It: I am a planner. I write things down. I have sticky notes everywhere. I like to organize. All of these things are so I don’t miss anything, can’t find something, or so I am not late for any event. Most things in my home and my classroom have a place. Even the main clock in my home is 4-minutes early. It isn’t an obsession yet, but very well could be. My middle son, Carter, lives his life as he says, “by winging it”. I am struggling with this concept but embracing it. I need to let the reins loose at times and just enjoy life. It doesn’t need to be so structured. It will be OK.

Changing Up My Computer Lessons: Every summer I tell myself that I am going to change up my lessons for my students. I am going to make it more engaging, challenging, and fun. And every August I say, “Nah, my lessons have worked in the past. No need to change them. Make it easier on myself.” Well, this year I am going to change them up. I have found some online resources to do a big project and have the students work at their own pace. I am excited to get all the pieces put together for the 2021 school year.

Take Care of Me: Disclaimer – this is going to get a bit personal. When I had our youngest son 16 years ago was the last time I saw a gynecologist. I didn’t feel the need to see one if I wasn’t having any problems. (I live with all men.) I have recently seen one because I am noticing small glimmers of pre-menopause showing up. I do plan on writing about my experience in future blogs because it is such a “hush-hush” topic and I want other women in the same boat as me to know what it is like. I am getting tests done soon to make sure everything is in tip-top shape. I have been working on losing weight and getting myself stronger. I also am working on my mental health as well by taking time for myself and doing things I enjoy. I am also working on my spirituality and checking in with God on a daily basis. I can’t be a good wife and mother if I don’t take care of myself first.

Take time to think about your goals for this year. There are many websites that can help guide you on this journey. If you need help or want to mention some of your goals in the comments, please share. I will keep my readers updated on my progress.

2 thoughts on “Goals for a New Year

  1. Tammy,
    I love your goals!!! Some are similar to mine. I, too, decided to set goals and not make resolutions, and we’ll see how that goes. When I heal up from this surgery, let’s go for a walk; you may have to slow down a bit, but we could try. I used to love walking 3-5 miles with friends, and I haven’t done it in years. It would be fun to catch up, and since I’ve turned into such a retired hermit, it would force me to get out. Let me know what you think.
    Congrats on your four miles; that’s great!!!!πŸ‘πŸ»πŸ‘πŸ»πŸ‘πŸ»πŸ‘πŸ»πŸ‘πŸ»
    Your former next-door neighbor.

    1. I would love to do that sometime with you! We will have to help each other with our goals. I think about you often and pray for fast healing. πŸ™πŸ’œ

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