Family, God's Time, My Life, Teachers

How is Everyone Doing?

Day 33 of Lent 2020

A week left of Lent and this has definitely been one for the record books! We have had to take Lent “to the extreme” because of the COVID-19 virus and gave up many things in our lives, but what we have gained is so much more.

I have had time with my family. With Andrew almost out the door and Carter and Chris not that far behind it is good to have this time together before they head out on their own.

I have had time to update and adjust to online learning. When we first had to make the switch to online learning I thought, being a computer teacher, it was going to be a piece of cake. Boy, was I wrong! Teaching computers is so “hands-on” teaching the assignments, helping with computer problems, and fielding questions just to name a few things I do in the classroom. I have had to be VERY specific with my instructions and emails to my students and parents. As of today, everything seems to be working better.

I have had time to enjoy some of my hobbies. I love putting together jigsaw puzzles, work in our yard, play games, and binge watch TV shows and movies. It has been a time of re-charge which everyone needs these days. We do have that time during the summer, but it still feels rushed, busy, and stressful because of the short months before we go back to school.

I have been able to have time to cook “decent” meals for my family. I have time to bake, cook, and use my skills to feed my family good, wholesome food instead of eating out or putting something on the table because it is quick.

Yes, it is difficult during these times of social distancing. We need to think positively and be thankful for what we do have. Take care of what God has blessed you with and enjoy this time to slow down our crazy, busy lives.

I am praying for you, your families, and our country to get through this pandemic quickly and safely. I am praying for the paramedics, nurses and doctors who are on the front lines to fight this virus for us. I am praying for our schools, our students, and our teachers who, when faced with switching to online learning at a moments notice, did it with tenacity, grace, and a loving spirit for their students.

May you be in good spirits, have time for yourself, stay healthy, and take time to laugh a little during this challenging time. Godspeed everyone!

1 thought on “How is Everyone Doing?

  1. This is a good one. I need reminders to be thankful for what we have here at home. I’m so worried about my sister and brother-in-law who own a grocery store and are wearing g themselves ragged. I worry about my daughter who’s working for a news stations Nd going out and doing interviews in compromises locales. I worry about my family members who have cancer and whether they will catch this or not. I pray and pray and try to be faithful and know that God’s wisdom and purpose is something I can’t comprehend, but sometimes it’s hard. Stay safe, dear friend. ❤️

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