Marriage, My Life

How to Bring Excitement Back Into Your Marriage

Image by Bruno /Germany from Pixabay

This past weekend I had it all planned out. It was Spring Break for our school. We had an extra 2 days off and I wasn’t going to do much except work on this blog and maybe some cleaning I have been putting off. Things changed.

On Friday morning near lunchtime, I walked into our bedroom to ask my husband, Micky, what he wanted to do for lunch. It was Friday during Lent so our options became limited. I would have been fine with breakfast cereal and call it a day.

Micky had his small suitcase on the bed all packed and ready to go somewhere. Here is how the conversation went (there is some paraphrasing here.):

Me: You’re leaving? (I’m running through my mind trying to think of conversations we may have had about my husband leaving for a while. Usually, it would be for work purposes.)

DH: Yep. You’re coming too. You have a half-hour to pack.

Me: OK…I have questions.

DH: Like what?

Me: Warm or Cold?

DH: The weather is like today.

Me: How long do I pack for?

DH: 2 days.

Me: Are there any restrictions on liquid sizes?

DH: Nope.

Me: What do I pack for?

DH: Pack for having fun.

Me: Do the boys know?

DH: Yep.

I was contemplating his answers trying to figure out what we were going to do and where we were going. From his answers, I knew that packing wasn’t going to be too difficult since we were not going on a plane (no liquid restrictions), didn’t need to dig out my summer clothes (same weather), and it wasn’t going to be a dressy occasion (pack for fun). This was exciting!

A half-hour or so we headed west from our home. Along the way, we were trying to decide where we were going to have lunch. (Remember, it’s Friday during Lent.) We decided to stop in a neighboring town at a restaurant/bar and see what they had for lunch.

After our lunch, we continued on this mystery adventure. No kids in tow. No cleaning or responsibilities to worry about at home. No work on a long weekend. Just the two of us.

Once we drove south out of Sturgis I realized where we were going. We were staying in Deadwood for the weekend. The whole outing was filled with relaxation (much-needed naps), laughter, good food, good drinks (lots of drinks), surprise visits from family members, and lots of lovin’ on each other. The trip helped rejuvenate our marriage and our love for each other. We were ‘us’ again.  And in turn, our sons could see how loving and happy we became towards them and towards each other as husband and wife.

And that is why I have missed a couple of days posting during this Lenten season. We were taking care of our marriage. The surprise trip was instrumental in putting a spark back into our marriage and it was so worth it!

In our busy lives, we have to stop and just take time to enjoy each other’s company. It is easy to become apathetic in the day-to-day of our lives and it is easy to take our spouse for granted. Deadlines, jobs, kids’ activities, and errands get in the way and we lose sight of the love that brought us together in the first place. Sometimes we are exhausted we think we cannot fit one more thing in our lives.

That is when it is most important. We, as a couple, need to plan alone time, surprises, date nights, and other ways to connect with each other. It is essential for a strong marriage. Even if you have an empty nest, it is good to get away from home so the two of you can escape the pressures of daily life.

Do you have to go on a vacation and spend lots of money to be together? No, of course not. Even a simple walk together in the neighborhood can spark a connection. Here are just a few ways to bring excitement into your marriage.

  • Dinner for two at a favorite restaurant.
  • Candlelight dinner for two at home. Send the kiddos out with a babysitter or family member.
  • A walk through the neighborhood.
  • Love notes around the house.
  • Surprise mini-vacation or stay-cation.
  • Afternoon playing in the park.
  • Scavenger hunt.
  • Re-visit the place you two met.
  • Drinks and dancing at a local bar.
  • Stargazing in a field.
  • Surprises, surprises, surprises.

Will these things take some planning? In a word, yes. Will spending time together without distractions bring a spark back into your marriage? Absolutely! The two of you will be happier, your children will be happier, and your friends and family will see how happy you are. The love you two have for each other when you take the time to be alone together spreads to the people around you. It will be so worth it!

Tonight, plan a time when the two of you can be alone together. Think back to when you two were first dating. All of rhe anticipation, the unexpected gifts, the excitement of being together. Line up the babysitter. Make the reservations. Take a personal day off. Do whatever it takes for your marriage to be as strong as it can possibly be. If it is a surprise for your husband/wife like my husband did for me, it will be even sweeter to see their reaction.

1 thought on “How to Bring Excitement Back Into Your Marriage

  1. Tammy,
    What a fun surprise for you!! Mickey did really well. I’m happy that you two got some alone time to reconnect.

    ❤️ YFN
    (By the way, I’m forwarding g this to my husband.)

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