God's Time, My Life

I Will Give You Rest

Smokey “resting” on the edge of our coffee table.

Even God rested on the seventh day. Sunday’s are a great way to relax, refresh, and attend Mass to get ready for the coming week. Our family likes to go to evening Mass and then to Applebee’s after for our traditional “family meeting”.

This Sunday I woke up feeling a sense of peace I haven’t felt in a long while.

Back up a bit to Friday. My principal wanted all of the staff to give him a quick email stating where they would like to teach and be successful next year. Of course, I emailed him saying that I would love to stay and teach computers. Later that afternoon, I found out there was an opening at a school in our district that is only a mile away from our house.

This Sunday morning I created choices in my teaching profession. I jumped at the chance to be closer to home and submitted my application….immediately.

Now, instead of others making choices for me, I can make a choice.

When we stay faithful to God and his plan, He will give you a sense of peace during your storm. My storm isn’t over yet, it’s just a break in the clouds.

This sense of peace I have found this weekend is giving me the strength to get through the last months of this school year and the decisions I have to make yet.

If you are stuck in your storm, hang on, stay faithful to God, lean on family and friends and He will help you get through it.

Tomorrow we will be on Day 5 of our Lenten Journey. Giving Up Retirement

2 thoughts on “I Will Give You Rest

  1. Oh, Tammy, I hope the position is one which would fill you with joy, although SWMS would miss you, or at least your former neighbor would.❤️Keep me posted.

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