My Life, Teachers

Lessons from My Candy Jar

I had to do a difficult thing this week. I had to take my candy jar on my desk away from my students. If you want to know the story about my candy jar, you can read it here: Candy…Who Knew?

On Wednesday I replenished the jar with a large bag of Jolly Ranchers. It was full to the brim that morning. By the time I finished my 2nd hour, the jar was half empty. 😔

One thing about middle school kiddos is that there are ALWAYS witnesses. I had a couple of witnesses tell me that some students were taking handfuls of candy instead of just one piece.

I woke up Thursday morning conflicted about what I wanted to do about this situation. I hate taking things away from the good kids in my classroom. I was one of those students who did everything right (most of the time) but was punished because of the choices other classmates made. I vowed to myself that when I became a teacher, I wasn’t going to do that to my students.

I have some of my best thoughts in the shower. I decided to put the candy jar away for a while….maybe until Easter. I’ll bring it out earlier for good behavior.

The more I thought about it, the more I realized that trying to reward the good ones and discipline the trouble-makers is difficult. I also realized that this is life.

I broke the news to my students Thursday. I softened the blow by telling them that even as adults, people make bad choices that affect everyone…even the people who follow the law.

I truly think that deep down there is empathy in my students. They just have to be taught what that is because their brains are still growing and cannot process it yet.

When I explained to my students that the tiny piece of candy was a gift from me to them, what it takes for me to do this for them, and how much I care about them, and that I want to do this for them, they were able to understand why I was taking my jar away.

I have some fantastic students in my building. I am blessed that I get an opportunity to teach every single one of them. My prayer is that I can be the best teacher and example for them. Not just a computer teacher, but a life teacher and life coach for them as well.

I have a good feeling the candy jar may come back earlier than Easter….😉

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