God's Time, My Life, Teachers

Living a Purposeful Life

Day 40 of Lent 2020

We made it! 40 days of Lent in 2020 and it seems more like 40 years with the crazy year we have been having so far. We have given up so much extra this Lent with the pandemic. Tomorrow is Easter and we are even giving up being together as an extended family and as a community to celebrate the resurrection of Jesus.

As I sit here reflecting on what has happened these past 40 days and how I have grown because of it, I realize I still have a lot of work to do (I’m still scared to post videos or being on Zoom). I am a work in progress as God molds and shapes me into the person I should be.

Everyone has a purpose in this life. Some people, like our sons, don’t know what that is yet. Some people change course throughout their life to find their purpose. I am lucky enough to have had that idea ever since I was a little girl. I wanted to teach.

Teaching gives me a chance to be a role model for the students who don’t have one. It gives me a chance to instill my knowledge that I have learned to my students. it gives me a chance to be a “school mom” to many of my kiddos who need advice or just a hug. I absolutely love my purpose!

This year has definitely been a roller coaster ride. We never had a chance to say goodbye to our students and fellow teachers. I won’t see notes written on my whiteboard by my kiddos. No hugs. No screams of joy as the last bell rings for the year. No tears as we watch our 8th graders leave our building one last time.

One thing I do know, because of the resurrection of Jesus on Easter, when we do come back together in the Fall, it is going to be a joyous occasion. The first day of school (whenever that will be) is going to be so much sweeter than the first days of school in the past.

Finding your purpose in life can be challenging if you haven’t found it yet. It may take years or even decades until you find that one thing in your life that brings you joy and makes you get out of bed in the morning. Once you find it though, you will know it. It is as if Jesus is talking to your heart saying, “Go…share yourself to the people around you.” And that, my friend, is a beautiful feeling.

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