My Life

Longing for Socializing

Spring is here…but our parks are still empty, our bars and restaurants are still empty.

We as humans are a social species. We long for having conversations in person. Getting together with friends for a drink after work or celebrating a big event with the family hasn’t happened for almost 2 months.

As a teacher, we are SUPER social people. Giving high-fives in the hallway or a hug was my motivation during the school day.

I hear it in my mother’s voice when we visit on the phone. I see it in my friend’s text messages. We need to get back together. The question is… When?

There are ways to deal with the social isolation during this pandemic.

  • Stay connected. Continue to connect with friends and family through phone calls and texting. Have a “Happy Hour” Zoom with your friends.
  • Take time to do things you never had time to do before. Have a closet or cabinet that needs to be cleaned out? I have taken this time to go through my closet to get rid of things I do not need.
  • Do things you enjoy doing. I don’t remember a time when I worked on a jigsaw puzzle or playing a game with our whole family. We have done that during this quarantine and we have had a blast doing it.
  • Don’t be so hard on yourself. This time is strange for EVERYONE. In our lifetime we as a society have never been in this position. Whenever something isn’t going right in your world, just yell “Plot Twist!” and keep moving forward.
  • Watch things other than the news. Have a different themed movie night. Binge-watch new shows or shows you loved from the past. Micky has me hooked on “Ozark” from Netflix and I cannot wait for the next season! (Watch this show and you will see that things could be worse.🤣)

I have been hanging in there during this pandemic. I won’t lie, I really miss my extended family and getting together with my friends. I just pray that this will be over soon and we can enjoy socializing again. Even though it is going to be different, scary, and strange…you’ll be getting a hug from me!

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