God's Time, My Life

My Lenten Journey… Come With Me

Tomorrow Lent will start in my Catholic faith. It is 40 days before Easter (not including Sundays) of reflection and personal sacrifice to get us ready for the coming of Jesus Christ Easter morning.

I would like to bring you along with me. I am not going to be fire and brimstone (not my nature) or converting any of you to Catholicism. I just want to lead you on a journey through Lent to help you as a person. Maybe there is something that needs to be changed in your life and you’re not sure how to do it. Maybe there is something missing in your life and not sure what that is. I hope this journey with me will guide you to the answers you are craving for.

I am going to be using the book “40 Things to Give Up for Lent and Beyond” by Phil Ressler. You can pick a copy up at Amazon HERE.

Tomorrow I will be posting my journey on the first day of Lent. It is Giving Up the Fear of Failure. It is something I really need to work on because I have always struggled with the idea of failing.

Please comment on what Lent means to you or if you have never been through it, what would you like to get out of your Lenten experience?

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