My Life, Teachers

My Plans Next School Year??

This past couple of weeks I have been getting some answers as to what my plans will be next school year.

After a couple of emails to the principal at a school close to my home, I will not be going to that school…yet. It turns out that the Encore position they needed was a foreign language teacher. So I will not be a fit for them with no foreign language experience at all. Then, I found out that my principal at my current building was trying really hard to fit computer classes into the schedule. He did apologize and said that I was an asset to the school. He also said that I might have to stretch my wings a bit and teach one more class on top of my computer classes. (Oofta!)

So as of today, I have my computer classes and one section of 8th grade Science. I’m kinda freaking out a bit by that, but from my experience with this school district, this assignment could change at any moment.

One thing that I don’t agree with is my contract and Teacher Assignment for next year is due THE SAME DAY! So I am hanging onto my contract until the last moment hoping I will know what I am teaching before I sign anything. I really wish I didn’t have to be in this position.

The problem comes from our school district not hiring all the teachers each building needs. Several teachers have to plan for multiple subjects. Oftentimes the subjects aren’t ones they are comfortable with. They also deal with classroom sizes of 30+ kids in small classrooms. That is not quality education. It has been this way for decades. Our teachers have bent over backward to teach our students the best that we can.

During my first year at this middle school, I taught Computers and 8th Reading. Then we had the roof cave in and all of a sudden I was thrust into teaching Computers and 7th Science. The following year I was back to teaching Computers and 8th Reading. It wasn’t until 4 years ago I was teaching in my specialty…Computers only. Now it is going to change a bit again.

So do I start looking elsewhere? Do I really want to start over again? Do I look for something totally different? Or do I just suck it up and push forward the best that I can? These questions I still need to answer…quickly.

Don’t get me wrong. I am blessed to have a job. I am blessed to be working with my students and co-teachers. I am very thankful. Hopefully, with lots more prayer, God will direct me where he needs me and I will get the answers I have been searching for.

2 thoughts on “My Plans Next School Year??

  1. I’d like to know if SWMS is going to offer foreign language just as they are at Stagebarn.
    As one teacher who’s had nine different assignments in three separate grades, I must say that teaching multiple assignments at SWMS has not happened for decades. It started about sixteen years ago and was predominately in the LA department. Just thought I should clear that up.
    Tammy, I hope everything g works out for you. Remember that Sally is an EXCELLENT resource for eighth-grade science.
    Good luck..
    Your former neighbor❤️

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