My Life, Teachers

My Questions Are Answered

Image by Pete Linforth from Pixabay

This past week I received an email from my principal about my schedule for the 2020-2021 school year and I am pleased. I will be signing my contract.

I found out that I will be doing Computer classes for 6-8, one section of 8th grade Science, and two Flex Computer courses. Let me explain.

For those who don’t know, a Flex course is a way for students to choose what they want to learn or enhance what they already know. It is going to be with all the Encore teachers in our building. There will be a different class each quarter.

For example, Art could have Photography, Ceramics, Digital Editing, etc. PE could have Weightlifting, Yoga, Cardio, etc. I could have Coding, Website Building, App Design, etc.

I am excited about the Flex courses because it means that the kiddos in my room WANT to be in there. Also, I am thrilled that my principal wants to keep Computer classes around for a long time. Our students need it!

I am willing to trade my 5th graders for an 8th grade Science class. Here’s why.

My 5th graders are in a separate building with iPads. I wasn’t able to go to their classroom and leave mine unattended because I was getting things stolen in my room. So they have to travel to our building with their iPads in a cart to get to my classroom. It wasn’t an ideal situation.

Also, iPads and MacBooks have many differences. Yes, they have the same apps but the apps on the MacBooks are bigger and have more options to use. So in essence, I had to re-teach the 5th graders when they became 6th graders.

I am a little nervous teaching Science since I haven’t taught 8th grade Science before. But luckily we have a great group of teachers that have already reached out to me to help. At least it isn’t Math. Heaven help those kiddos if I was their Math teacher! 🤣

I am excited to have the Flex courses for Computers. Now I will finally have time to teach students concepts that I haven’t had time to do before. The only thing I am worried about is our Administration and Tech Department blocking websites and apps I would like to use with the students. I’ll keep you posted on how those conversations are going.

All in all the 20-21 school year isn’t what I dreamed about, but I am happy. I am going to be doing some new projects which will be a shot in the arm for my career. I am blessed that I have a teaching job. I am excited to see my kiddos that I have invested my time in whenever we get back to school.

God puts us where we need to be. He knows me better than I do. I have to trust His judgment that this is the path I need to be on right now.

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