My Life

My Weight Loss Journey – Week 1

Image by Vidmir Raic from Pixabay

Week one of my weight loss journey is in the books. I am down 2.2 pounds! Yeah! It’s a start. At least I am under the weight I started with when we moved to the Black Hills almost 7 years ago.

Projects Around the Home

It’s pretty easy to lose some weight with the big project we have been working on the past couple of weeks. Even though the guys have been doing the concrete work, Chris and I have been filling the trenches on the side with dirt. And I will probably be helping with putting mulch in the tracks on the side and flowers/bushes later.

My Mortal Enemies

I have huge weaknesses during this process that I know will haunt me during this process. It is the battle between sugary and salty foods. My body craves those flavors. I also crave crunchy foods too. Set a bag of chips in front of me and I could possibly eat the whole thing. Then I would grab an Oreo or two to counteract all of the salt. Geez! This process hopefully is going to be changing about 45 years of bad habits.


Another thing that will be challenging for me will be my perseverance. It is easy for me to get started. It’s really hard for me to see something all the way through. The little devil inside of me rears its ugly head telling me “You can sleep in today”, “One piece of cake won’t hurt”, “Buy those Lay’s chips, you know they’re your favorite.”

My Defense Team

The things I am using this time are my app “Lose It” and blogging about this process. The app has been easy to use and the notifications are motivating. Also, having to take the time to enter EVERY food that I eat and drink (if it isn’t tea or water) helps me to stay away from it. But I do love entering the exercise I completed so I can see that I could eat more foods (healthy).

Blogging about this process will hopefully help me to see it all the way through. If I have others in my corner that want to see how I am doing, it gives me the motivation I need to keep going.

Another thing that is helping is this quarantine. I have been able to take the time in the morning for myself and my health. I have been able to take 20-40 minutes each day to exercise and get my day going. It is setting up good habits for me this summer. I just hope I can keep it up in the fall when school starts up again.

I have to keep telling myself that this is a marathon, not a sprint. It is also a lifestyle, not a diet. I won’t see results immediately. I have seen the scale move a bit this week and that is exciting. Let’s pray that when my body locks in park and I hit a plateau (which happens with every diet I have done) that I am able to get over it quickly.

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