My Life

My Weight Loss Journey – Week 2

Image by Alexas_Fotos from Pixabay

Week 2 is in the books and I haven’t seen a huge change…yet. The following are some things I have noticed this past couple of weeks.

Being a Woman Isn’t Fair

I have been pregnant 4 times in my life. Each time I was pregnant I gained quite a bit of weight. The problem with that is I still continued to eat for two after the pregnancy was over. Now in my late forties, my metabolism has plummeted. Two week in and the scale has barely budged and I haven’t seen even a tiny bit of difference in my clothes. (Yes, it’s still early. I get impatient.) I have to work much harder than the men in my life. Case and point…

After Micky’s accident in December last year, he wasn’t eating as much due to the pain he was enduring in his back. The result was rapid weight loss and he looks and feels so good now. He is actually able to touch his toes again without effort and is way more active than he was this time last year.

Our sons Carter and Chris are skinny, but fit rails. Granted, they are teenagers and have higher metabolisms, but many times when I have lunch or dinner ready, they hardly eat anything. So Andrew and I are left to have lunch together and have extra food around. Which leads me to…

Food Is Evil

This quarantine has brought out the baker in me. Scotcheroos, cookies, cake, banana bread, and white bread have been a staple of our home during the past couple of months. This is not good for my weight loss. Telling myself one cookie won’t hurt leads to two cookies. Also, chips and cheese and salsa have become snacks in our home as well. Mix the sweet with the salty and my rollercoaster of hormones and you have a recipe for disaster. So I had to make some decisions for my health.

Cravings Are Killer

I am going to get a bit personal here. My hope is to let other ladies know that they are not the only ones who go through what I am about to talk about.

Every month before my cycle is a battle between salty and sweet. The battle lasts all day. Once I feel even a small pang in my stomach, into the kitchen I run.

A week before day 1 of my cycle my cravings were in overdrive. It didn’t matter if it was sweet, salty, crunchy, or soft. There was one afternoon I was standing in front of my pantry eating fried onions out of the container! Micky walked into the kitchen and asked, “Day 1 coming soon?” I told him, “Don’t judge!” Minutes later I am fist-full with a Rice Krispie treat.

Maybe Meal Prepping

With my LoseIt! app, I am able to track my calories and macronutrients that I am consuming daily. I can also track my exercise and I am proud to say that I have been exercising daily.

A trend today is to have meals prepped, boxed up, and shipped to your home. Companies like Hello Fresh claim to have healthy foods sent directly to your door…for a price of course.

This summer I am hoping to get better planning meals. Having everything measured out and planned will help me with my portions. It will also help with my days of asking everyone, “What do you want for lunch/supper?” and I get the standard answer, “Food.” Thanks for the help guys. LOL!

This is going to be a process. This is going to be lifechanging. And just like what a good doctor friend of ours said, “Losing weight isn’t going to happen overnight. It was a gradual thing that took years. So expect it to take that long to get rid of it.”

2 thoughts on “My Weight Loss Journey – Week 2

  1. I’m on that rollercoaster with you, sister. I’m climbing high right now. Ugh. ❤️ Your former neighbor

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