Family, My Life

We Have Enough

Day 37 of Lent 2020 Kind of a Whoopsie! happened with my blog. For some reason, it didn’t schedule the post for Monday …gotta love technology. Anyways, here it is on Wednesday! Sunday, I was taking some time to clean our master bathroom and do some organizing in the process. (It’s still a work in… Read More We Have Enough

My Life

Giving Up Ungratefulness

Day 36 of Lent 2020 As a teacher I have seen this many times in my profession. Teaching middle school students how to be empathetic and grateful is very difficult. Yes, there are students who have grasped the concept at a very young age. The reason for that…they were taught that at home. Teachers pour… Read More Giving Up Ungratefulness

Family, God's Time, My Life

Holy Week 2020

Growing up a cradle Catholic I always dreaded this week. We had to go to church “So many times!”, it was sad and scary, and some of the traditions I thought were strange. For instance, the priest washing the feet of a few members of the congregation or everyone going up to the front of… Read More Holy Week 2020

God's Time, My Life

Giving Up Worry

Day 30 of Lent 2020 As a mother, it can be very easy to get engulfed by worry. Especially when they are teenagers and driving and starting to move ever so slightly out of the nest. Worry is like a rocking chair. It gives you something to do but you don’t go anywhere. – Erma… Read More Giving Up Worry