God's Time, My Life

Giving Up Guilt

Day 9 of Lent 2020 Reconciliation is one of the most beautiful sacraments in the Catholic church. For me, I still get nervous every time I go. It means I have to tell my sins out loud (in private of course) and I feel guilty, embarrassed, and ashamed. One would think that it gets easier… Read More Giving Up Guilt

My Life

Giving Up Blame

Day 8 of Lent 2020 Why do we blame others when things don’t go our way? At some point in our lives, we have done this at least once. I have done this recently. In past blogs, I have talked about my experience, my excitement, my interviewing for and the final decision for the STEAM… Read More Giving Up Blame

God's Time, My Life

Giving Up Comparison

Day 7 of Lent 2020 The grass is always greener on the other side. Being a “Type A” personality and the firstborn in my family I have continually compared myself to others. It could be another’s looks, style, house, yard, classroom, even the way someone dances and I am comparing myself to them. The problem… Read More Giving Up Comparison

God's Time, My Life

I Will Give You Rest

Even God rested on the seventh day. Sunday’s are a great way to relax, refresh, and attend Mass to get ready for the coming week. Our family likes to go to evening Mass and then to Applebee’s after for our traditional “family meeting”. This Sunday I woke up feeling a sense of peace I haven’t… Read More I Will Give You Rest

God's Time, My Life

Giving Up Impatience

Day 4 of Lent 2020 In this fast-paced world, our lives are surrounded by people who are impatient. Time is a commodity. We have fast-food restaurants, 2-day shipping, and increasing speed limits. Cell phones and devices have sped up our productivity and we live in an “instant” society. We don’t know how to wait anymore.… Read More Giving Up Impatience