Family, My Life

It Takes a Village

When we were taking our firstborn son home from the hospital, no one gave us any instruction book on how to take care of this little guy. There was a manila envelope stuffed full of pamphlets on SIDS, shaken-baby syndrome, and how to install a car seat. There wasn’t anything on how to actually care… Read More It Takes a Village

Family, My Life

It Starts at Home…

I have been teaching for 25 years and I see the same thing over and over again. The students who are doing well educationally, mentally, and socially have parents who are plugged in at home. What do I mean by that? Well, these parents are invested in their education. They care about who their children… Read More It Starts at Home…

God's Time, My Life

The Greatest Test

Update from yesterday….I saw this image above from a friend on Facebook. And it made me rethink all I was going to do this week after hearing the news my dream job was pulled away from me. This week….we will be having a staff meeting. At the meeting will be an announcement about who will… Read More The Greatest Test