My Life

Bring on the Junk Food!

Up until Friday, I was doing pretty well with my fitness regimen and being in a calorie deficit. My calorie app says I am on track to hit my goal in early October if I do the gradual weight loss. But Friday afternoon it hit me…HARD! My cravings for junk food was extremely strong. I… Read More Bring on the Junk Food!

My Life

A Milestone

100 Posts When someone or some thing or some event hits a milestone it is a big deal. TV shows invite major stars to their “100th show”. Companies have a big event to celebrate their milestone achievements. My 100th post is a quiet one. It is more of reflection time for me really. I am… Read More A Milestone

My Life

Spring is Here!

The Western Meadowlark is my favorite sound letting me know that Spring is here. Spring has always been my favorite season. The wrath of winter is fading into the distance and the hope of warmer weather is around the corner. You would think to live in the upper midwest that I would be used to… Read More Spring is Here!