My Life

Longing for Socializing

Spring is here…but our parks are still empty, our bars and restaurants are still empty. We as humans are a social species. We long for having conversations in person. Getting together with friends for a drink after work or celebrating a big event with the family hasn’t happened for almost 2 months. As a teacher,… Read More Longing for Socializing

My Life

Coming Down to the End

We are coming to the end of a crazy school year. I have been receiving emails from High School teachers mentioning this is the last week of assignments. Whoo-Hoo!! I am also sending out emails to my students saying that this is the last major assignment they will have to do for me. The next… Read More Coming Down to the End

My Life

Prom From the Past

This past weekend would have been our son Carter’s Junior Prom. If you ask him if he is upset by not having it due to COVID-19 guidelines and he would tell you, “Nope. Doesn’t bother me at all.” Prom today is very different from when I went to Prom way back in the late ’80s… Read More Prom From the Past

My Life

I’m Stuck…

This blog post is going to be kinda short today. I’m stuck. I am here staring at a blank screen. What do I blog about today? I scoured the Internet today for ideas. I checked my list of ideas. Nothing but writer’s block. Nothing seemed to fit what I wanted to write about. This quarantine… Read More I’m Stuck…

My Life

Dinner for Five

Quarantine Day 37……. I have been longing to sit down at a restaurant and have someone else cook for a meal. Don’t get me wrong…I love to cook for my family. I am just running out of ideas that everyone will eat. My meals need to be able to get my crew to break away… Read More Dinner for Five