God's Time, My Life, Teachers

Patience is Hard

6th Grade notes to me before they go to their next Encore class.

As my husband, Micky and I were heading into town to get the weekly groceries for our growing teenage sons we had a very interesting conversation.

We both have found employment doing what we are passionate about for many years. My husband, a nurse and myself, a teacher. Jobs we were “born” to do. And now we both are at the precipice of all that possibly changing.

“I can’t imagine myself doing anything else,” we both agreed. We talked about needs in other professions but seeing us in those jobs just seems….strange. Unnatural.

If you would have told me 15 years ago that I would be teaching middle school students in Sturgis and love it I would have told you, “Are you kidding me?!”

I love it! As I have mentioned in past blog posts before, I love the energy the students give me when they walk into my classroom. I love the adult relationships I have formed because of our move. But most of all, I love the relationships I have formed with my students. I am lucky enough to get to know each and every student in our school and it pains me to think that it might all go away. I hope not. I have too much invested in that school.

As God is whispering to the necessary people to make everything fall into place for us, I can’t help but try to get involved like a little child crying to God telling Him what I want/need. It is very hard for me to wait. With my personality, I need to know what is going to happen and when it is going to happen. I am a planner, I don’t “fly by the seat of my pants.”

So in the meantime, Micky is scouring job opportunities, I am stalking the schools in the area for openings during what I call the Spring “silly season”. I am opening my ears and heart to His plan, His timing, His decision for me and my family.

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