My Life, Teachers

Reflection Time

Image by Thought Catalog from Pixabay

The end of the year is a perfect time for reflection. This is the last week of online learning and it has been a year for the record books.

What Could I Have Done Differently

I wish I could have overcome my fear of being on camera. I have a very poor self-image and it affected my decision to not contact my students through video conferencing.

It also affected me from thinking outside of the box. Of course, it was the first time EVER of teaching online. It wasn’t going to be perfect by any means. I basically just did one assignment each week and tried to be as helpful as I could.

What Went Well

The assignments I usually have for my students during a normal school year worked well for online learning. I made some tweaks to my final project for my 4th quarter students that didn’t work so well with my 3rd quarter kiddos. Those changes worked amazingly well.

Thoughts On Next Year

It is too early at this moment to say how the new school year will go. Many questions are still needing to be answered. Are we going to be in the building at the start of the school year? Or is the learning going to be online? What will the guidelines be once we go back to our buildings?

I am excited about my FLEX classes. The students I will have chose my course and we can dive deeper into the projects I come up with. I am a bit excited for my Science class. Once I start looking at the teacher’s guide and online textbook, I can get a better feeling at where I want to go with my one 8th grade class.

I am ready for summer to start. I am ready for focusing on my family and all that God has blessed us with. I am hoping to finally get organized in our home and get rid of anything we don’t use anymore. I am also going to attempt menu and meal planning this summer. Hopefully, that may help me on my weight loss journey and my feelings of being on an episode of “Chopped” at every mealtime.

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