Family, God's Time

Saint Teresa of Calcutta

This quote has been a prayer for me each and every day for a few years now. When our oldest son was Confirmed in the Catholic faith, a parishioner made holy water fonts for each family. Ours is hanging on the wall that heads to our bedroom. So each night I bless myself with Holy Water and pray for a peaceful rest and to wake up in the morning to do God’s work. Every morning before I head out to teach middle school students I bless myself again with the Holy Water and recite Saint Teresa of Calcutta’s quote and a prayer of Thanksgiving for all that God has blessed me with. It is the one moment time during my hectic day where I feel a sense of peace before the day starts and ends.

I challenge you to find a quote from Saint Teresa of Calcutta and repeat it to yourself on a daily basis. Then watch the transformation of your heart bring you peace, kindness, and love.

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