My Life

Spring is Here!

Western Meadowlark song

The Western Meadowlark is my favorite sound letting me know that Spring is here.

Spring has always been my favorite season. The wrath of winter is fading into the distance and the hope of warmer weather is around the corner.

You would think to live in the upper midwest that I would be used to winter. Ummm, no. Being cold is an enemy to me. It is easier for me to cool down than it is for me to warm up.

I have some wonderful memories of Spring showing up. Many of those memories I have are from Elementary school.

I remember going out to morning recess and hearing the meadowlarks singing. I remember hearing them when we would be picking dandelions and seeing if we “liked butter” when we rubbed the dandelions on each other’s faces.

Spring is also the time when smells you wish could be bottled up come out.

The smell of the first lawns being mowed. The smell of lilacs being picked for Mother’s Day. And now that we are living in the Black Hills…the pine trees.

One thing that Micky and I like to do during the Springtime is to sit outside on a beautiful day and call in the birds. Many times we will bring them right up to us just by using apps that have bird calls on them. It is so much fun!

Take time to enjoy this Spring. With many of us still home during quarantine and cannot work just yet it is the perfect time to enjoy being outside. Take a walk, read a book outside, or take your children to the park if it is open.

Do you have any memories about Spring? If you do, please leave a comment.

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