My Life

Stepping Out of the Plane

I have never skydived nor do I plan to in my life. But there is a great quote from Will Smith after he went skydiving who says, “The best things in your life are on the other side of terror, on the other side of maximum fear, are all the best things in life.”

Last night I shared my blog on Facebook. For 18 days this blog was mine. My thoughts, my dreams, my failures…just mine. Now I shared it with the world. It’s a very scary place. Fears of rejection, am I good enough, will anyone like this blog fill my mind.

That fear is the threshold to my plane. We have all had that fear at least once in our lives. Taking that step over the threshold takes guts and courage. It’s something that I struggle with. I like my comfortable plane to hide in. Why jump out of something that is working perfectly fine?

Throughout this journey, as I try to help others with my story, you are going to see a transformation in myself as well. When we all help each other we can do AMAZING things together. We can be each other’s parachute to help get us to the ground safely when things seem to be going awry.

As I step off that ledge from my fears to an amazing life on the other side, may God give me the courage, the wisdom, and the words to speak to all of those who need me.

Are there any fears that are keeping you from living your best life? Please comment below and we can all help each other.

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