Family, God's Time

Story of the lilac

When I was a little girl in a small town growing up we had a large yard with lots of trees, evergreens, and lilac bushes. One spring I headed out to the large lilac bushes and rip off a few of the sweet-smelling branches. (Fragrance companies still cannot get even close to what nature has given to the lilac.) I took those lilacs to my Mom and I can still remember the joy giving her these flowers gave her as I watched her delicately putting the lilacs in water so the petals would not fall off. That was my first experience of giving and realizing that it felt good to give. Each and every spring there were more flowers and I picked some for my mother until I left home for college.

Since then, I have always looked forward to spring, my favorite season, and the blooming of the purple lilacs, my favorite color. Every time I see the lilacs I am reminded of my mother and the joy we felt over those beautiful flowers even though with our busy lives I am not able to give her those lilacs as much anymore.

Lilacs are just like us. God is our roots. We may have stems that are crooked and bent but we are beautiful when we grow into our petals. When we give of ourselves we bring joy to others and God gives us more to give. So keep growing, be beautiful, give to those around you and your life will be unbelievable.

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