My Life

Bring on the Junk Food!

Up until Friday, I was doing pretty well with my fitness regimen and being in a calorie deficit. My calorie app says I am on track to hit my goal in early October if I do the gradual weight loss.

But Friday afternoon it hit me…HARD! My cravings for junk food was extremely strong. I was longing for high calorie, fat-filled, sugar satisfying comfort food. (I don’t even remember the last time I had fried chicken.) It was as if I spent the past three weeks on the island in Survivor and only had rice to eat.

My stress level was at an all time high for me on Friday. It was the first time that has happened to me in quite some time.

My day yesterday consisted of:

  • All-day mandatory virtual conference. The information was good but it was hard to stay focused with presenters just sitting in front of their camera. Now I know how our students feel.
  • I didn’t have time to work out or shower since the conference started at 6:30 a.m. our time. So my day already felt off.
  • Trying to help a student with computer issues (while trying to concentrate on my breakout sessions) that I couldn’t figure out in the end.
  • Students turning in missing work (during the conference) that want their grades changed immediately.
  • Barely any time for lunch. (Reminds me of an actual school day.)
  • Creating and emailing an Awards video for my administrator.
  • Our middle son, Carter, leaving for my hometown to get a part of his pickup truck painted by my brother. (The thought that he gets to see my family and I can’t, makes me sad.)

Everything is hitting me all at once and I feel like I am drowning. So bring on the junk food!! Today or maybe tomorrow I will get back on my wagon. I don’t think one day will hurt…will it?

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