My Life, Teachers

Teacher Memes During Quarantine

Today I am going to veer from my usual blogging and share some memes I have come across during this 2020 quarantine about us as teachers. We have to laugh during times like these.

When this first broke out (on Friday, March 13 for our district) we did not have time to prepare for our students. We had 3 hours that day to grab everything we needed for online learning.

By about week 3 online learning is getting a groove, but it was still frustrating to adapt to our new “normal”.

I have had to tell the men in my house that I will look at them when talking to them.

I wish I could have used this answer in High School. (I have an extreme dislike for Math.)

And just like that, the world finds out how important our teachers are. Yet unfortunately in my lifetime I probably won’t see any major salary raises for teachers.

This sums it all up…

To my teacher peeps, keep doing what you are doing. We are going to get through this.

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