My Life

The ABC’s of Me

Image by Wokandapix from Pixabay

One assignment I like to do with my 6th-grade students is to have them put together a slideshow about themselves using every letter of the alphabet. So I thought it would be fun to do that today.

Authentic – What you see is what you get. I am not fake to anyone.

Bashful – When in a crowded room I will not be the one to spark a conversation with people. People usually have to come to me.

Cautious – Whenever I am making decisions, I have to plan out every detail beforehand.

Diligent – I have to make sure when I am doing something for someone else, every detail has to be perfect.

Easygoing – I am really relaxed and informal especially around my friends and family.

Faithful – Whether it is family or friends, I am always there for them.

Generous – I love to take care of others before myself. My heart is full when I know that I helped others.

Honorable – I always play by the rules (except for speeding).

Impatient – When people are late or we are late getting somewhere I can be very impatient. It changes my mood almost instantly.

Judgmental – I judge myself daily. I don’t do that to anyone else. (I’m still working on this one.)

Kindhearted – My disposition is very approachable. I try daily to be kind to everyone I meet.

Lovesome – I am warm and affectionate to others. I am a hugger!

Maternal – My profession has helped me to hone this quality. I treat my students as if they were my own children.

Natural – Everything from my style to my makeup is very natural and basic.

Optimistic – Looking on the bright side of things is way more fun!

Peaceable – Peace at any price is how I treat life. I want everyone to be happy and get what they need.

Quiet – When I am in a crowded room with people I don’t know well, I am very quiet and just listening. Even when I am with others I am usually pretty quiet.

Resourceful – If there is a problem to be solved, I am out on the Internet scouring for solutions.

Sentimental – I can get emotional at times watching my kiddos doing something amazing, watching a sappy movie, or even when my students go above and beyond what they are capable of.

Trustworthy – Your secret is safe with me!

Upbeat – Especially when I am around music. It makes me so happy!

Vague – When I am telling a story or giving directions verbally I tend to miss some key details and it can cause some miscommunication.

Willing – I am pretty much willing and able to help anyone who needs it.

Xenodochial – A friendly smile and opening doors for strangers makes this world a better place.

Youthful – I don’t want to grow older.

Zestful – I absolutely love live and I try to live it to the fullest.

Sometime when you have some extra time (or you’re bored because you ran out of things to do during the quarantine) try making a list of your qualities A-Z. A fantastic website I use with my kiddos is

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