My Life

What I Hope We Learn From the COVID-19 Quarantine

Image by Engin Akyurt from Pixabay

As of this posting, we have been following the CDC guidelines of this pandemic for 29 days. Here is a list of what I hope we as a society have been learning during this.

Family Is Important

I have cherished this time home with our sons. We have realized that our time with our sons is getting shorter. Our oldest, Andrew, is keeping his eyes open for an apartment in the next two years. Next year, Carter will have his Senior year. And Chris is usually busy with sports and homework during a normal year. This time with them working on projects around the home/property and having meals with them has been priceless.

We Don’t Need Much

I have come to find out that my weakness for not completing things and always wanting “new” stuff has helped us in this pandemic. My pantry and closet is basically my own store. The only things we need are the very basics like milk and bread and fruits/vegetables. We have been blessed in a roundabout way by having a backup plan if something should “hit the fan.” Many of the things we “needed” before the quarantine aren’t necessarily what we need, they were “wants”. It has really changed our perspective. Trying to keep up with the “Joneses” is exhausting and reckless with our money. My heart goes out to those that weren’t prepared for this and are struggling to get money for their family and food on their tables.

We Can Make Online Learning Work (for the most part)

It was a bumpy start, but that is to be expected when there wasn’t much time for our teachers around the country to shift to online learning. With only a couple of weeks left before students return their devices I feel we did as best we could with what we had. Most of my students have contacted me and turned assignments in. I am just worried about those who didn’t have either the access to online learning or just gave up and didn’t care about finishing the year strong.

Our Healthcare Workers Are Heroes

This sabbatical my husband, Micky, is taking has been a miracle in disguise. He has been able to be at home with us and knocking off some of our to-do lists we have been putting off. The doctors and nurses on the frontlines have tirelessly fought this virus and saving lives to keep us safe. Many have not seen their own families for weeks and sometimes have to sleep in their cars so they don’t spread the virus to their families. They have seen the good and the bad with this virus and should be celebrated for all the sacrifices and the good that they do.

We Are A Social Society

Communicating through webcams, Zoom meetings, and phone calls just aren’t the same as face-to-face communicating. Whenever I see someone I care about I always give hugs. Going to Mass on weekends is all about community and spreading that love of Christ to others. Being socially distant during this virus has been strange to me. I hope we can go back to our hugs, hand-shakes, and fist bumps. We just need to keep washing our hands thoroughly.

We Need To Love Each Other

Hopefully, this social distancing will help us to realize that every life is precious. I believe we as a society can be more compassionate and look out for each other. I am hoping for a kinder world where being helpful and nice is way more fun than being offended and annoyed.

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