Family, God's Time, Marriage, My Life

When God Throws a Curveball

Life had been going very well for the Neilan family these past 6 1/2 years. Yes, we have had our little tiny speed bumps during those years but nothing too major we couldn’t handle quickly.

Since the end of 2019 and now the beginning of 2020, the state of things in our family has taken a completely new turn. God is throwing quite a curveball in our game and I am not sure how this will resolve itself.

We have had curveballs thrown our way before and like they say, “Hindsight is 20/20.” We wouldn’t have moved out to the Black Hills if it wasn’t for the little struggles in our past. This move has been one of the best decisions we have made as a family.

Now a new curveball has hit our family. Jobs in jeopardy, uncertainties, and the family is staying intact, but feeling the pressure, are all hitting us at once. So how do we move on from this?

Take it One Day at a Time

Right now, we are going to take things one day at a time. My job may be in jeopardy right now, but there is still the “silly season” at my school district as teachers change positions as others open up. I am hopeful that something I want to teach will open in the coming months. Also, I pray my blog will be seen by anyone who would like to work with me and then maybe I can work from home. There are lots of options, I just have to put the chess pieces in the right places.

Lean on God

The Internet can be a wonderful place of comfort with many bloggers with beautiful prayers to comfort, help, and heal you. Here is one such prayer from

Dear Lord,
I come to you now humbled and in awe of your infinite mercy and love. Your blessings come without condition, and you are quick to forgive us for our weaknesses and shortcomings. All you do for us you do out of love, which you bestow upon us unconditionally. Lord, I find myself in a difficult place of uncertainty, not knowing what is to come in the future, how to plan, or how to prepare. Lord, only you know the answers. Only you know what is in store for me. Help me to trust you with my whole being and build my strength as I accept your grace. Help my faith to grow, and help me to accept whatever path you have put me on, so that I may find comfort in the fact that no matter what happens, I am right where you want me to be. Please take away my anxiety and stress and replace them with peace and comfort that only you can provide. Help me to always come to you when I fall short, whether it be from stress or doubt, and to avoid the advice of the world and what human “logic” would have me to do. Help me always to see clearly; To see the world in the way that you would have me to see it, and never question what I find, knowing that you showed it to me. Give me hope for the future and confidence that I will make you proud, and one day come home.

Lean on Others

Sometimes we don’t want to bring others into our suffering. I don’t want to burden others and think I can handle this on my own. That isn’t always the case. We need to have other family members or friends there to lean on when it feels like the world is crumbling at your feet. They can show you a different perspective outside your world that you may not have thought of and can give you some clarity. It is also good just to get your feelings out and not hold them in and letting them fester.

What we are going through is hopefully only going to be temporary. It’s just one chapter in our entire story we are creating. It is going to be difficult, it is going to challenge our marriage and our family. My hope is that what we are going through right now is only going to make us stronger.

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